Dzień dobry poddałam się zabiegowi liposukcji strzykawkowej, niestety nie przyniosła efektu. Zabieg miałam robiony u pani doktor która wykonywała...
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Everything went okay from my consultation till the day I woke up from my surgery. Apparently this doctor and his nurses were angry with me about a 3:58 minutes voicenote I made of my consultation. I mentioned this vn to him in my email 8 or 7 days before my surgery and neither him nor anyone from his team said a thing of the vn, only to wake up from surgery and literally get bullied for the vn, I swear I am not making this up. I was despondent and cried for days because I was certain the doctor had butchered me because of this vn he was apparently angry about, otherwise he would have told me how he really felt about the vn before and not after I woke up from my surgery. I had been researching this proceedure for years so I was well prepared. During my consultation I specifically asked the doctor about compression garment as I was aware of it's importance for the proceedure I was getting. He said to me I would be given one and that I would have to use it for months too. A few days to my surgery they tried to make me pay extra for it and when I complained a little they failed to organize any garment for me altogether. So basically I was sent home with an abdominal belt which btw was a struggle and nightmare to take off and clean my wounds as I live alone and my stomach was weak. I asked for pictures of the suctioned fat from my body and I was told yes that they would get me the pictures, only to wake up and have the doctor personally tell me giving pictures was not his clinics policy. I was in total disbelieve as anyone else in my position would have been. Till this day I am still shocked and appalled by all that transpired there. This doctor wrote me complaining about the bad rating I gave him and said he did my lipofilling probono and whatnot. I am a native English speaker so if someone ever throws in probono in a conversation with me then I will definitely not forget it. Truth is he gave me a quote and I gave him my budget and he said okay, that was it. No probono or any such word was ever mentioned in my presence during our consultation. This doctor imo is a shady business man, and I thought his behaviour was unethical to say the least. But inspite of that, my swelling has gone down and I can see he did not butcher me after all thus I am giving him a 3-star rating. The lipofilling area nothing much happened as not enough fat was put in but the liposuction area is looking good and healing properly. He obiviously might be a skilled doctor but he is lacking in the sincerity side. A doctor who would blatantly renege on his agreement with his patient I would not hold high to anywhere. Maybe something was lost in translation or there was a language barrier but I am sorry I would not recommend him to a foreigner who is used to and expects a candid, virtuous and high-quality service from a PS.
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