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19 lis 2018 · Zaktualizowano: 15 wrz 2023

I have a very small breast

Nie wiem, czy jestem zadowolony/a z rezultatu
4 ośrodki w Dolnośląskie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie...

Hello, I am a foreign student studying in Katowice, 24 years old female with 40 kg and 150cm , the only problem with my body is very small breast, like TINY breast as in smaller than 32A - but I am very worried about requiring surgery so I prefer a non surgical solution that doesn't cost much money because as you know I'm a student studying abroad and also concerened about future health, I am not sexually active but I wouldn't want not to be able to breasfeed my kids in the future for example, I also prefer a long-lasting effect and just increase to be in a suitable size not too big for my weight and body, I just want to look normal, like a lady, not like a girl in her prepuberty years


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